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Before You Adopt a Racehorse, Consider This

With the success of the "Trainers Challenge" started by Stewart Pittman, founder of the "Retired Racehorse Training Project", the desire to own and re-train these beautiful thoroughbred athletes, is becoming a popular trend. I think this is a good thing, however, consider this. The thoroughbred race horse was bred and trained to run. It most likely ran it's first race by 2 or 2 1/2 yrs. old. It's body type, is long and low to the ground at full speed. Its weight is primarily on its front end (shoulders). The rider's (jockey's) weight is over the shoulders and off their backs, "in the air". The thoroughbred is usually left handed. He is fed a high protein diet. His life is all about speed and high energy. Knowing all this, you need to consider, rehabilitation before re-training. Rehabilitation should start with getting the horse off his "racing high". Start with his feed. More fiber less protein. Turn out on pasture. You may have to start slowly. Grass mix hay, instead of alfalfa. Getting his body shape a little rounder and less cut. Lots of calming time together. Slow grooming, hand walking and grazing. Slow his pace way down. Training should start with a good foundation, going back to good basics. Proper, in-hand, ground work to stretch their rib cage equally on both sides. Getting them to reach under themselves with the inside hind leg while doing small circles, at the walk, in-hand. This will strengthen and flex the hind legs to better prepare the thoroughbred to carry the rider's weight over his back. It will also cause the horse to reach long and low naturally. Then slowly start at the trot. Longeing should be creative, not simply never ending circles. Side reins and drawreins should never be used. The reason why I am bringing this to your attention, is because of my past and present experience with the thoroughbred race horse. What I have seen, is that some horses are going way too fast and problems are presenting themselves. Many top professional riders can make these horses look good and make them do a particular task. Once they get into the amateurs hands, it's a different story. In the end, the horse has to "want" to do it. If you address the thoroughbred, physically, mentally, emotionally and intellectually, you will have a healthy, sound, long lasting partnership with your wonderful thoroughbred! Rehabilitate before re-training. Get help from experienced trainers. Then, love and enjoy this magnificent creature. He will thank you in the end with his loyalty and big heart. Help save off-the-track thoroughbreds. Support: "Retired Racehorse Training Project" and the "Gulfstream Park Thoroughbred Aftercare Program".

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